One thing that has remained the same about this very strange year is how quickly summer has flown by!  As happens every summer, I am having trouble believing that it’s the last week of August.

For most of us, I think September represents a transition month similar to January 1st – it is like a new start to the year, and, as such, it is a good time to reflect on the past year and maybe set some goals for the upcoming year.

Face masks with my favourite girls…several years pre-COVID!

I thought it might be a good time to reflect on some of the self-care I practiced this summer.  For all of us, it has been a summer like no other.  Recently my summers have included travel to visit my children in Newfoundland or Calgary (I haven’t visited London in the summer yet) AND a Muskoka holiday with all the kids here…I can’t tell you how much I have missed those visits!  I did, however, make a concerted effort to take care of me in some familiar, and some unfamiliar, ways.


In the August 3rd Blog Post called Ducks? In a Row? I talked about how my son helped me realize that I needed to see a counsellor.  So I connected with the Employee Assistance Program provided through my husband’s employer and had a couple of phone sessions with a counsellor.  

I can’t say she was the best counsellor I have ever seen, but the act of talking with her allowed me to make a plan and take actions towards having more control of my life.  I have purchased some new resource books and done some journaling to help me identify what I need to move forward in a more positive way.

Meditation and Gratitude Journal

I have had a daily meditation and gratitude journal practice for a couple of years, but I had let the practice slide a little this summer.  I am now back to doing both on a much more regular basis.

Meditation really grounds me and spending a few minutes each day to write out the things I am grateful for really helps me to remember how blessed I am – even when things aren’t going my way on a particular day.

While I know this is true, it does seem to slip off my radar once in awhile and I need a push back into the habit.

Bra Fitting

I have taken A LOT of pictures of myself this summer for this blog – way more than usual!  One thing I noticed is that “the girls” were not where they were supposed to be.  Then I listened to The Expression Sessions podcast episode on bra fitting at Little Black Bow, so I decided to give it a try.

Bra fitting has changed a lot since I last had the experience.  There was no measuring tape involved and I walked out of there with a bra that was so comfortable and fit so well – wow, what a difference!

Naturopathic Doctor

The next episode of The Expression Sessions podcast featured an interview with a naturopathic doctor named Dr. Alison Parsons.  I really liked what she had to say so I made an appointment.  I learned more about supplements and which ones might be useful for me.  

It feels like this is the next step on my journey to better health and I look forward to the lessons I will learn from her in the coming months.

Blog Writing

Writing this blog has been a great way for me to process life.  Focusing on life’s dance and the things I have learned this year has been a really informative exercise!  

Even though this summer has not been like any other, I hope that you also made time for self-care!