If you haven’t had a chance to check out The Expression Sessions podcast, I highly recommend it!  I am particularly fond of the episode where I was their guest ☺ but I have truly enjoyed all of them!

On their Facebook page, Amy and Emma describe their goal as, “The Expression Sessions is our way of teaching our communities how to creatively express themselves. By sharing our own experiences, discoveries, and truths, we hope to create a space for self-realization, support and love.  A place where we all feel free to EXPRESS!”

They have tackled themes like kindness, home and physical expression. I learn something helpful in every episode; in fact, I have been inspired to schedule a bra fitting and arrange an appointment with a naturopathic doctor.  It really is important that we take care of ourselves and sometimes it takes a third party to recommend good ways to do that!

Replace Judgment with Curiosity

When I was a guest on The Expression Sessions podcast, I was asked what advice I would give my younger self and the first thing that came to mind was to “replace judgment with curiosity”.  This is one of the basic tenets of Sara Best’s teachings and I applied it to my weight loss journey, but it would have definitely had applications to parenting.  Instead of guilt and shame, I could have gotten curious about what was going on when one of us lost our cool – were the kids tired or hungry or over-scheduled?  Was I?  

I remember one morning when I did do this.  I was really cranky with all the kids while trying to get them fed and out the door (I am NOT a morning person!).  Then I looked out the window and said to myself, “it’s not their fault it’s snowing in May”.  All I needed to turn the day around was to realize what was at the bottom of my mood.  Of course the answers don’t come that easily every time, but I definitely would have been kinder to myself if I had gotten curious more often, rather than feeling shame and guilt.  I was so good at doing this with those around me, but really not good at being kind to myself.  


The second piece of advice I would give my younger self is that while spa treatments and girls’ weekends are really awesome and important, they are not truly self-care.  Self-care is about more than occasional treats, it’s about doing something every day that nourishes you and makes you feel good.  

Hiking in Banff

I’m not sure my younger self would have believed me, but one of those things is exercise.  I have learned over the past couple of years that my day goes better if I have made time to stretch and walk – either on the treadmill or outside.  I have even made this a priority on vacations now and, as a result have gotten to experience some really amazing hikes when I visit my kids in Alberta, Newfoundland and England.

Some days self-care is a cup of peppermint tea and a few minutes with a good book.  Some days it’s journaling or meditation.  Some days it’s driving in the car and listening to a great podcast.  And some days it’s getting a bra fitting or going to a naturopathic doctor.  If the day allows for more than one of these, even better!

I Can Do Hard Things

The third lesson I talked about, again from Sara Best, was that I can do hard things.  I knew that I could do hard things when it came to my family or my job, but I can do hard things for me too!  This became a mantra for me, particularly on those days when I really didn’t want to go on the treadmill or avoid that pre-dinner snack!

So, I guess my advice to younger me would be to be kind to yourself, try really hard to schedule some self-care into your day and, if the day goes awry, be curious and kind with yourself, rather than beating yourself up.

Check out The Expression Sessions:

FB: @theexpressionsessions101

IG: @theexpressionsessions

Website: www.theexpressionsessions.com


Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-expression-sessions-podcast/id1510860559

More about The Expression Sessions:

The Expression Sessions are little snippets of life, conversations, art, and events meant to encourage self-expression in our communities, families, youth and within ourselves. Too often we go through the motions of day-to-day life without truly taking time to do the things that bring us joy, speak our truths, and share commonalities. When you express yourself creatively, you are unlocking the freedom that comes from being YOU without apology. You are creating a sense of community for those who share these aspects of yourself and creating understanding for those who don’t. With every expression session you are showing others that they are not alone, and that we are in this journey together. You are sharing your story, so that others can connect, share and contribute their own experiences.

Expressing yourself creatively doesn’t always look like art or theatre (though that is how we found joy in expression). It can be done in so many different ways. Through cooking, decorating, fashion, make-up, health and fitness journeys, car karaoke, journaling, yoga, family time, travel and so much more!

We hope that by sharing our “Expression Sessions” with you, that we can inspire you to create your own. Whatever they may look like. Be YOU – and express that without apology. Be KIND and receptive of others expressions because we are all just trying to be understood, seen, heard, and feel a little less alone in this journey.

May we create a space that leads the way for you to feel safe to share, inspired to create, and included in a community of empowered people that are ready to take on the world!