About Carol
Writing a blog is something I have thought about doing for years; I love to write and I find it to be a great way to work through feelings and express myself, but writing an About Me page is a real challenge!
When I look back on my life, I feel like I have had so many different roles (daughter, student, human resources professional, wife, mother, parent education facilitator/supervisor, school board trustee, etc). They are all so different, yet the one common thread is how ill-prepared I was to take on that role when I started, and how much I didn’t know that I didn’t know!

I have always loved John Michael Montgomery’s song, Life’s a Dance; I feel like it is my theme song. The chorus describes my journey through life.
Life’s a dance you learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
Don’t worry about what you don’t know
Life’s a dance you learn as you go

I have been joined in this dance by my husband, Gilles, and our 4 amazing children – Lisa, Max, Phil and Bridget; they are the best parts of my life!
I hope you will join me on the next step of my journey, as I explore some of things I have learned, those aha moments when things fell into place and the missteps along the way in my dance…because my life truly has been a wonderful dance!
I want to thank my family for all their support and help getting this blog off the ground – I have asked a lot of questions!
I also want to thank Justin Tabakian for technical assistance and the beautiful logo he designed, and Jennifer Maloney for her advice on the world of blogging.